Travel and daily life
Published on January 1, 2011 By Manna6 In Just Hanging Out

American Football is on TV. The stop and start style of the game means it is easier to understand the Chinese commentary - though the guy is quite excitable,  and highly educational. I never new 'off side'  and 'open field tackle' were Chinese words.

Day one has been great in a really lovely, understated way. I am here for work and those that picked me up took me to early dinner, where I couldn't eat much but didn't want to offend, so they spent time guessing what a foreigner like me would like to eat- and as such pointed out every bright light fast food outleton the walk back to the hotel I am frequenting. Hypocritical I am though,  I did end up at star bucks! That was after I again found myself outside. I  decided to explore the hotel and ended up in a lift that took me to an office and and doors to the outside world, rather than the lobby I started in or my own floor. The other pickle I made was to say I didn't speak too much Chinese, which I don't, but I acted soo dumb about it all that now when I demonstrate understanding I am going to look a little like a lying information grabbing secret agent girl! Speaking of making your own bed, think it is time to lie in mine.

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